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I first thought about doing a holiday album when I recorded my first studio project in 1994.  It’s taken 13 years and many, many requests, but finally, here it is.  I had decided to do this album last year and planned to get started in June or July of this year.  Due to a hectic touring schedule, I found myself in mid-September with absolutely nothing done.  I was ready to scrap the project for another year when something inside said, “Call the studio and see if it’s possible.”  I did and it was.  All of my favorite musicians were also happily available and eager to contribute.  It was all coming together except…


Which songs?  I had so many favorites.  Was this to be a sleigh ride through jazzy standards?  A solemn collection of carols?  Originals?  All or none of the above?  I couldn’t decide on a tone or feel for the album, so I simply sat down and did a list of the songs that were really speaking to me at that moment, with no thought to an overall theme.  The result was this album.  My new song, A Quiet Christmas wasn’t finished yet, but I had the feeling of it in place.  These were my songs.


After finishing the tracking in the studio, I sent a copy of the rough mix to Stuart Wilk in New York for his feedback.  Stuart is a long-time newspaper editor, but an artist at heart—an excellent sounding board.  I’ve trusted his taste, heart and sensibilities for many years.  His response was “I love it.  It’s not what I expected.  It has a candlelit feel.”


What to call it?  I toyed with several working titles and none really fit.  I was repeatedly drawn to the words of Silent Night.  This is probably one of the first songs I ever sang, and has always been one of my favorites.  I must have sung it hundreds if not thousands of times in my 41 years.  Something wonderful and unexpected happened when I recorded it for this project.  I felt I was discovering unexplored corners of a favorite room.  I felt I was tapping into something ancient, precious and beautiful.  The words “all is calm, all is bright” felt particularly resonant.  They seemed to convey a quiet joy and deep peace to me.  Another phone call to Stuart and yes, this was my title.


So, here it is:  All is Calm, All is Bright—an eclectic collection of songs from different countries, different centuries and different points of view.  There is a thread of longing and heart that runs throughout.  I hope you’ll make it a part of your holiday traditions and enjoy it for many seasons to come.

                                     —Michael Gott
                                         Dallas, 2007




All Is Calm, All is Bright

  • Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas

  • Bring a Torch, Jeanette, Isabella

  • Heaven’s Gift  (add link to lyrics)

  • Christmas in the Trenches

  • Light One Candle

  • The Christmas Song

  • O Come, O Come Emmanuel

  • I’ll Be Home for Christmas

  • A Quiet Christmas (add link to lyrics)

  • Silent Night

  • Till the Season Comes ‘Round Again


 $17 plus shipping and handling  

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